ISSUE 87 - MAY - JUNE 2021
The Tempsford Times is the village magazine, distributed free of charge to all households in the village. It is a joint venture by the Tempsford Parish Council and St. Peter's Church, Tempsford. It is published every two months, normally on the first day of the odd months. It includes news from the two sponsoring organisations, and all other village organisations are invited to contribute information regarding their past and future activities.
Contributions that would be of interest to village residents are welcome from any source. Contributions that relate specifically to the local area are particularly welcome, but the editors are pleased to consider contributions on any topic.
The magazine - which has just achieved its 12th year of publication and has a circulation of around 300 - is financed by advertising, and its printing is sponsored by a local resident.
Contributions can be sent to The Editor at 92 Station Road Tempsford, Sandy Beds. SG19 2AY
Advertising enquiries should be addressed to the advertising manager:
Tina Beaumont-Goddard, 42 Station Road 01767641053
You can download copies of our recent editions below.